Despite her oddities, the latest development is quite puzzling. In the spirit of autumn and trying to be festive, I purchased some pumpkins. No, I did not buy them from the pumpkin patch; I bought them from the grocery store. Even so, they were dirty, so I put them in my laundry room to clean up. When Olive discovered them later that eve, she went berserk. Olive seldom barks in the house. She was barking so much, I thought she must have found a mouse. Cris and I searched and searched trying to figure out what the problem could be. When I moved one of the pumpkins to look behind it, I discovered she was barking at the pumpkin. She growled, shaking all over, too afraid to get really close to the pumpkins. I figured that she would eventually figure out the truth...she was barking at a large orange squash and would not be harmed. Two hours later, with no barking break, I called it quits and shut the laundry room door. I'm not sure aversion therapy works with dogs.
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