Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Election Therapy

For anyone who is weary listening to political ads, spin-doctors, changing campaign promises, and the mud-slinging that goes on during election time, Ben & Jerry's will help you soothe your election angst. My only complaint is that Tulsa, OK is apparently not cool enough to have a Ben & Jerry's. So, for all of you friends and family who are lucky enough to live in cooler states than I, you can think of me on election day, I will be in line at Wal-Mart purchasing my own pint of New York Super Fudge Chunk.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Little Bird Told Me

You may not be aware of this bit of information, but I have in recent months discovered an artist I really enjoy. Her name is Linda Etherington and her body of work reminds me a bit of Gauguin, Picasso (for her color use), and her still life has some VanGoughish elements. That being said, her work is unique. It is cheerful, whimsical, and I found a painting I really loved.When I contacted her, Linda told me she thought this painting was still available. However, I would need to be in touch with the gallery that represents her. I did and the owner was in the middle of another show and said he would be in touch. Weeks later, he thinks he may have sold it, but still unsure. Today, I get an email from Linda that put the final nail in the coffin. The painting was definitely sold. So, to whomever is in posession of this painting, "I hope you know how lucky you are." I am hoping that blog therapy will pull me out of my "blue period."

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pumpkin Paranoia

We have always thought our dog was a bit strange...lovable, but strange. Without going into too much detail I can say she has some quirky issues.
Despite her oddities, the latest development is quite puzzling. In the spirit of autumn and trying to be festive, I purchased some pumpkins. No, I did not buy them from the pumpkin patch; I bought them from the grocery store. Even so, they were dirty, so I put them in my laundry room to clean up. When Olive discovered them later that eve, she went berserk. Olive seldom barks in the house. She was barking so much, I thought she must have found a mouse. Cris and I searched and searched trying to figure out what the problem could be. When I moved one of the pumpkins to look behind it, I discovered she was barking at the pumpkin. She growled, shaking all over, too afraid to get really close to the pumpkins. I figured that she would eventually figure out the truth...she was barking at a large orange squash and would not be harmed. Two hours later, with no barking break, I called it quits and shut the laundry room door. I'm not sure aversion therapy works with dogs.

Finally a Bobcat

Here is a quick post of Parker (finally) getting his Bobcat. Yes, he has been 8 since May, but his mother just recently purchased his scout book. We have been lazy scouters.
I'm looking pretty guilty in this pic...maybe I'm just not happy about having my picture taken.Here he is "pinning" mom. Congrats, Parky!


I always feel busy, but never feel like I am doing anything. Here is a glimpse of our last couple of weeks...busy, but fun.
On Saturday, September 27th, two of our four children participated in a kid's triathlon. The event was put on by our local YMCA was well organized, about 90 children participated. The day was beautiful, bright...a perfect race day. In this triathlon the children participating swam 100yds. biked 3.1 miles and ran a mile. Abby wanted to try it and Parker decided he wanted to do it too.
Eyes are closed, but this is the best we have. This was taken pre-race. You can see some of their gear behind them in the transition area.This photo was taken after both were recovering after crossing the finish-line, which unfortunately I missed. I was so impresssed with their focus and determination. I'm not sure why I didn't expect the kind of effort they gave. I know I'm the parent, but they inspired me with how hard they worked...lots of hugs and kisses at the finish. Just no pics. This is Parker during the run.

When they crossed the finish line, no one really knew how fast or slow he/she was. While the event was chip timed, the results of the race were not given until the post-race awards cermony in the gym. Both Abby and Parker had different goals entering the race: Abby didn't want anyone to pass her and she really wanted to beat the 12 year old twin boys who live in our neighborhood; Parker said he just wanted to finish the race. Well, no one could have been more surprised when they handed out the top three finisher awards for each age group and they called the names of both Abby and Parker for first place! Yeah, I'm bragging...but it's family.