Saturday, July 12, 2008


I'm embarrassed to admit that I stood in line with thousands of others, yesterday, in search of the iPhone. It started innocently enough. Without getting into too much detail, I tried to find an iPhone over a month ago and was told they were completely sold out and that I would have to wait until the release of the 3G. Because my finger is not on the pulse of the Technology World, I didn't even know that Apple was releasing a new iPhone on July, 11th.

Fast forward to July, 11th. After going to the gym, Cris and I made our way to the AT&T store in our hometown. iPhones sold out. I called our apple store at the local mall and was told they had some. Made a trip to the mall and there we embarked on a 3+ hour wait.

This is not our mall, but the scene was very similar. While waiting for over three hours, there isn't much to do, but tag team each other while browsing the sales in the various stores, eat the free candy and smartwater apple was handing to the crowd, and talk to the people in line. Cris and I were in line with some black-haired, pierced techno-types...very nice,very smart, younger than either one of us. Now, before any of you say it, I realize most people are more techno-savvy than I. However, after engaging in lengthy conversation with our line friends, I now know I am the Techno Village Idiot. I started to wonder if I was worthy of this type of technology...worthy of the iPhone.

We made it through the line and I did a little dance as my foot actually crossed the tile line into the store. Apple streamlined the process as well as can be expected. I received my phone, transferred my cell number, synced it with my iTunes account and I was out of there.

I immediately started exploring my new phone. Love it. As amazing as this little device doesn't take long to realize that it was made for the "village idiot"...haven't had to crack the instruction manual. If apple can make a phone that satisfies both the tech-genius and the tech-challenged perhaps there is hope for world peace.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Prodigal Blogger

After, losing our password, new email address, and user name, what was lost has been found. Although I still feel a bit overwhelmed about the idea of blogging, I can't get too overwhelmed about posting once every 4 months...pretty pathetic. Let's see if finding these important pieces of info brings about permanent change.

I guess I should start by giving a quick Warner update. After a few sets of plans, several bids and much frustration, no pool is being built this summer for the Warner fam. We opted to go to Walmart and purchase a $30 pool that has been strategically placed below the slide of our swing set. The children have fun setting up the hose to run down the slide, making their own mini water park. No news about when or if the bigger pool will be built. So, for all of you who were planning on coming out to swim...sorry.

Cris' business is still not making any money, yet. We are optimistic, but the process is painfully slow. Gil had a blast at Scout camp. His favorite part was going down some category III rapids in a kayak. Abby is enjoying swim lessons. Parker still talks about how much fun he had at opera camp. Claire loves having the older ones around more and is begging to go to school. I of course, love having everyone around and wish the summer would last longer.

OK...this sounded way too much like a Christmas letter, but since I never send Christmas letters I don't feel that bad.